In the midst of all the pressing issues that you need to take care of every day when you own your own business, the management of important financial matters can really seem like a handful. That’s why outsourced services can be such a big help but not a big expense. What you get is a skilled Chief Financial Officer with a major amount of financial experience and a wealth of serious accounting tools. At DeepSky, our outsourced CFO can start effectively managing all of the financial aspects of your business at a comparatively low cost. Many companies charge an average of $150 to $300 per hour but we offer considerably better rates.
Median Annual Salary
The average annual salary for chief financial officers (CFOs) can vary greatly depending upon several factors. According to, the median compensation in the United States at the end of 2017 was $313,541 per year. Not many small to medium-sized companies can actually afford that kind of money each year to keep a Chief Financial Officer onboard. At DeepSky, we offer you the outsourcing you need and at reasonable prices. Based on what you need, we will be happy to sit down with you and come to an agreement for flat fee pricing on outsourcing an experienced Chief Financial Officer to suit the needs and budget of your company.
Realize Your Short and Long-Term Goals
If you own and/or operate a small to mid-sized business, using a professional firm for delivering the Chief Financial Officer services that you need could be a considerable short and long-term benefit. You may have seen your financial situation becoming more and more complex each day, as your business has grown. You probably don’t have room in your budget or on your payroll for hiring a full-time in-house expert to handle the job.
Affordable and Flexible
However, you’re probably also realizing that not having the in-house financial experience necessary for making informed strategic decisions, both about the day-to-day operation of your business and your long-term goals, can definitely be detrimental. That’s why outsourcing all of the functions of a Chief Financial Officer is an affordable and highly flexible method for bringing the necessary financial expertise to your company and increasing not only your efficacy but also your bottom line.
Call Today for More Info
At DeepSky, we’re ready to discuss rates for customized outsourcing of a Chief Financial Officer to benefit your company. Contact us today and we’ll get right back to you with additional information to help you make an informed decision. Don’t wait until your company is in financial trouble because of a lack of financial guidance that you might need.