New Hire: Welcome Announcement #3


“Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, it’s…..” No, it’s not Superman. Hey everyone, my name is Mark, and I just recently joined the awesome team of DeepSky.

Hi everyone, this is Mark

I am currently a senior undergraduate at California State University of Long Beach majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. My plan after graduation is to become a Black belt (CPA) in Accounting. Prior to DeepSky, I was an intern for a CPA in tax preparation and also got to work for one of his clients in Accounts Payable.

Coming to DeepSky, I know that I’ll be able to bring my experience in accounting and motivation to learn to succeed and grow with DeepSky. I have high hopes here and I am excited to be a part of changing the accounting industry. I was born and raised here in Southern California.

What’s not to like about that? Growing up, I’ve always been involved in some sort of extracurricular activity. I love the outdoors which includes going camping and hiking whenever I can. With the beach being a close drive away, I always try to get out there to outrigger canoe, skim board, or play some beach volleyball. Mixed martial arts is another love of mine. Hopefully, after graduation, I can get back into doing it. For now, I’m here to rock DeepSky’s world and help the team with my awesome ninja accounting skills {hiyahhh!}.